COMPLIANCE :IS:1448, ASTMD92, IP-36, IP-403, BS2000 P-403, Bs4689, DIN51 376, ISO 2592
Description: This apparatus is used for determination of flash point and fire point of petroleum products except fuel Oil with open cup flash below 80°C as per specification IP 36 and IS: 1448 ( P: 69) 1969. The apparatus consists of a cup, heating plate to specific dimension thermometer clip and test flame attachment with swivel joint for passing over test liquid surface in the prescribed manner, Heating is controlled by means of energy regulator fitted to the apparatus. Suitable for operation on 220 Volts 50 cycles AC Circuits.
Models ASI 134: Electrical Heating with Energy Regulator Gas Test Jet. ASI 135 Electrical Heating with Energy Regulator with oil wick Arrangement. ASI 136 Electrical Heating with Energy Regulator with Gas Jet & oil wick Arrangement –combined modelASI 137Cleaveland flash & fire point Apparatus voltage Varrier (Copper Coil) combine model ASI 138 voltage Varrier (Copper Coil) combine model with Digital Temp. Indicator